School Campus

    The physical design of a developmentally appropriate classroom allows for experiences in areas for reading, writing, listening, dramatic play, art, numeracy, block, science, technology and an area for large group meetings. Ensuring a balance amongst these various learning areas is an important component in the organization and planning of the physical space in a kindergarten classroom. While classrooms may look different, the space should accommodate these learning areas so that children can learn to move independently throughout the room for the purpose of using the equipment and materials. The physical environment should anticipate individual, small group, and whole group involvement that provides a balance between teacher and student-initiated activities. Movement experiences are essential for all kindergarten students and they should not be limited to the physical space in the classroom or contained within discrete subject areas. Learning must be connected across the curriculum and the real world in meaningful ways while experiencing the outside world. This is possible by participating in field trips and extending the learning to areas such as the gymnasium, music room and the outdoors.

Classroom Design
  • Suggested Materials  Essential to a classroom is a large group meeting area where all students gather as a community of learners with their teacher.
  • Reading Area  Opportunities are available in this area of the room for students to make personal choices and experience print materials for enjoyment.
  • Listening Area  This area provides rich opportunities for developing oral language. Activities in this area providesopportunitities for students to learn how to listen attentively, develop phonological awareness and to make meaning from the language they hear spoken.
  • Writing Area  A designated area and ample time to explore writing is essential in the literacy development of a kindergarten student.
  • Technology Area  Depending on the availability of equipment, opportunities for students to use technology may occur in a designated area of the classroom. Learning experiences which integrate curriculum outcomes should actively engage the student in an activity.
  • Art Area  Designating an area in the classroom where students can express themselves using a variety of art materials is important.